By Seth Boyum
Graphics Manager

Donation bins for the RCTC Food Shelf are placed at several locations throughout campus.
For the past four years, RCTC has maintained a food shelf for students with financial difficulties.
Originally started by an campus-based branch of the Lion’s Club in 2013, the Student Senate took over responsibility for the shelf in 2015.
“It’s run by faculty volunteers and student body,” said Janell Holter, an RCTC multicultural adviser who serves on the Food Shelf Task Force. Originally supported by donations, the shelf now partners with Channel One for regular stock in addition to donations.
The Food Shelf is housed in College Center 406 in the Student Life office space above the cafeteria. It’s open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Students using the Shelf must provide a valid RCTC student ID card. Each student may visit the shelf once a week and may select up to 15 items. Records of shelf usage are kept.
Channel One re-stocks the shelf monthly, with deliveries coming in on Fridays. Personal donations can be left in the yellow receptacles scattered throughout the campus. In addition to food, the Shelf also accepts donations of kitchen utensils and toiletries.
People interesting in volunteering with the Food Shelf can send questions to General questions about the Food Shelf can also be directed to Student Life by phone at (507) 285-7204.