Art Club donates painting

By Munira Alimire

Arts and Entertainment Editor

After an eventful year, RCTCís Art Club recently donated its untitled piece focusing on diversity to RCTC. The club started work on the painting in the fall of 2017 and despite it being stolen over the winter break, the club has worked hard to restore the painting since it was rediscovered.

ìIím really grateful for all the support the clubís gotten over the past year,î said Jeff Jacobsen, the clubís adviser. ìIím most grateful for the people I got to meet. These students are passionate, fun and self-motivated.î

The 48-inch square painting will be placed in the Atrium with a placard honoring the students who worked on it ó Munira Alimire, Omnya Mohamed, Vivian Nguyen, Edward Otterness, Katie Scherger, Lul Sharif and Chloe Thiemann.

ìItís been a long year for sure,î said Vivian Nguyen at the closing of the dedication. ìBut given the chance? Iíd not change a thing.î