Next week crews will start work on two construction projects which will impact pedestrian and vehicle traffic on Main Campus. Please note the details of each below:
Driveway one-day closure
Tuesday, July 16, crews will close the driveway leading to East Hall and the Loading Dock to install new chilled water lines and sewer pipes. The East Lot will be open for parking, and pedestrians can still access East Hall, but must do so by crossing the driveway near the East Hall drop off area (see graphic). Please note: loading dock deliveries by smaller trucks will be accommodated through the East Lot while deliveries on larger tractor-trailer rigs will be detoured into the North Lot near the sports center where they will be unloaded by forklifts. Crews will also have the area currently under construction in the East Lot filled back in to make access and parking easier.
Courtyard Waterproofing/Entrances Closed
Beginning Monday, waterproofing work on areas in the Courtyard between Art Hall, College Center, Student Services, Plaza Hall, and Goddard Library will begin. This will require certain doors/entrances to be taken offline for the rest of the summer. Door 34 in College Center will be closed to all traffic, as well as doors 32 and 33 (currently emergency exits—Goddard Library and Student Services). Door 34 in Art Hall will also be taken offline. In the event of an evacuation, doors 35 (Art Hall) and 3 (Loading Dock) are available, as well as all other standard evacuation routes.