Student Conduct and Academic Integrity

In order to support a safe and positive learning and working environment for all members of the College community, the College maintains the Student Code of Conduct and Academic Integrity Policy to address behaviors and actions to maintain an environment that promotes learning.

Student Code of Conduct

RCTC students are responsible for knowing the information, policies, and procedures outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.

The College reserves the right to make changes to this code as necessary and once those changes are posted online, they are in effect.

Reporting a Violation of the Student Code of Conduct

To report a violation of the Student Code of Conduct please complete this form. Submission of this form to the College constitutes a complaint against the person referred and may result in the initiation of disciplinary procedures by the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities.


Reports submitted will be reviewed Monday through Friday during business hours. Please contact Campus Safety and Security by calling 507-280-5050 or 9-1-1 if immediate assistance is needed due to student behaviors that indicate an imminent risk to their personal safety and/or to the safety of others as indicated by reckless, disorderly, dangerous, or threatening behaviors.  


Academic Integrity Policy

RCTC students are responsible for knowing the information, policies, and procedures outlined in the Academic Integrity Policy

The College reserves the right to make changes to this code as necessary and once those changes are posted online, they are in effect.

Reporting a Violation of the Academic Integrity Policy

Faculty members should use this form to report violations of the Academic Integrity Policy. This is a secure reporting format accessible only to the appropriate RCTC officials, including the Dean of Student Success.

Before referring to the Dean of Student Success or assigning an academic sanction, faculty members must make a good faith effort to give the student the opportunity to respond to the alleged violation before imposing a sanction, even when the evidence is compelling.